the highest standards
of service.
What We Do
We are one of India's largest providers of passive infrastructure, ensuring quality products and services across our organization. Having partnered with external and internal departments, we are able to provide our business partners with the services par excellence.
In our operations, we place a priority on (SSE): Service, Safety and Environment.
Summit Digitel is an energy-efficient system, as it uses no air conditioning and no indoor communication sites. Among Summit's portfolio, 26.5% of the properties are diesel generator-free, a unique figure that sets a benchmark in the industry. We are also exploring the possibility of tapping the potential of sustainable renewable energy. Summit is one of the most well-positioned companies to lead the effort in the development of sustainable and renewable energy solutions such as solar power. We plan to integrate these solutions into infrastructures and value chains that already exist. Additionally we intend to enhance the energy efficiency in the system by sourcing a greater amount of renewable energy for running the sites and reducing the amount of greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs).

A safety approach includes an understanding of the environment in which we work.
As a company, we strive to live by the motto: I am Responsible For My Safety & The Safety Of Others.
Each of our sites abide by strict safety standards, ensuring that all members stay protected and feel comfortable at all times.

We at Summit already rank as one of the most innovative passive infrastructure providers in the country. Summit Digitel acquires, develops, owns, and operates telecom towers. The cell sites which are provided to these wireless companies are then leased to them as part of an infrastructure sharing agreement.
In terms of our key priorities, we are committed to providing uniform experiences and customer delight across geographies.
We at Summit maintain a high standard of quality services to achieve and maintain the highest uptime with the lowest energy costs while maintaining the highest security.