Health, Safety, Security & Environment
At Summit Digitel, we are committed to achieving a target of Zero Harm, and will never stop striving to reach the highest level of Health, Safety, Security and Environmental (HSSE) performance in our daily operations and activities. We promote best practice in health and safety, particularly in high-risk activities. By demonstrating safety leadership, we hope to lead others into a successful and safe work culture.




We believe that all occupational injuries and illnesses can be prevented and the management of HSSE is an integral part of the responsibilities of any organization. Keeping this in mind, we prioritise the identification of high-risk activities and proactive mitigation of such hazards that could lead to fatalities or serious injuries. This is our mantra to prevent and sustainably avert Serious Safety Incidents while conducting our business across 22 circles involving more than 25,000 sub-contractor personnel every day.
Summit Digitel has demonstrated exemplary HSSE performance in its short career. There have been no serious safety, security and health incidents - we are proud to say that 2020 was a Lost Time Injury free year. As on March 31, 2021, Summit has achieved Zero LWCFR (Lost Workday Case Frequency Rate).

Our HSSE management system is based on the Train Audit Guide & Govern (TAGG) strategy. TAGG helps to sustainably implement HSSE management systems, embed improvement in performance while ensuring that all business-related activities remain systematic, effective, and focused towards proactive reduction & mitigation of HSSE risks.
We are committed to comply with all HSSE related statutory and regulatory requirements and shall always strive to go beyond the minimum acceptable threshold of compliance with legal obligations.